The Eightfold Path is composed of eight primary teachings that Buddhists follow and use in their everyday lives:
Interesting links to things that are useful or make you think.
The Untitled Masterpiece
It’s not that titles are bad per se. It’s the thinking behind them that makes it cringe-worthy.
Never Too Late for Elegance
Begin now, wherever and whenever you are. Begin to create elegance. Begin to spread it. To seek it out. To bring it to life. Begin to show it. Begin to be elegant.
Introducing La Pintura
After such gloomy posts about the death of the plein air movement, I thought long and hard about a solution; it seems like complaining without offering a solution is wrong. So I spent months ruminating over the issue and began developing a new concept for plein air competitions. It is a concept I call “La Pintura”, a new way of creating and running plein air competitions that reduces the negative effect of market forces and puts the plein air artist at the center of all considerations. You can read the full details on the website where I have posted a […]
“The Landscape Illuminated”
The Landscape Illuminated is planned as primarily an anthological hybrid memoir which will consist of actual memoir pieces mixed in with original visual art and stories.